Daily posts from December 24, 2019, to January 5, 2020
The twelve holy nights of Christmas are symbols for the twelve forces of the soul that live in us. On these darkest nights of the year, we are closest to the Sun’s Spirit. We are invited to contemplate and reflect on the past year, and to envision the coming year.
“Again, without this being really recognized hitherto by science, these Twelve Holy Nights stand there, as though established out of the wise, with hidden depths of the human soul, as if to say: Experience the Christ-Festival in all its profundity.” ~ Rudolf Steiner
Due to the pandemic, we cannot offer in-person gatherings at our Auditorium on Holy Nights’ evenings this year. Instead, we are inviting you to read, listen to, and contemplate two series of texts:
- Contemplations inspired by indications given by Rudolf Steiner to Herbert Hahn, who met Steiner in 1919, and became a class teacher at the first Waldorf School in Stuttgart where Steiner also asked him to give “free religious lessons” to the children.
- Christianity as Mystical Fact and the Mysteries of Antiquity (GA 8), a series of 12 lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in the fall and winter 1901-1902 in the library of Count and Countess Brockdorff. These lectures were rewritten and issued in a book format in the summer of 1902.
Each morning, a new post will be published, containing the indication for each of the Holy Nights and links to the audio recording by Dale Brunsvold and to the lecture at Rudolf Steiner Archive. You can either visit this page each day, or download the whole set in advance: PDF with Steiner’s indications for the Holy Nights, the contents of the book from Rudolf Steiner Archive, and the recordings by Dale Brunsvold (both featuring the English edition from 1961 by Rudolf Steiner Publications, Inc.) The newly updated English translation by Andrew Welburn (with introduction by Christopher Bamford) is also available in the SteinerBooks edition from 2006, which you can get from our bookstore.
Holy Night 12: January 4-5, 2021
Anthroposophy NYC Holy Nights 2020-2021Holy Night 10: January 4-5, 2021"On the twelfth night place the crown at the foot of the Divine. Because although we have won the crown, the struggle has been gained with help and grace; for grace comes from that source or...
Holy Night 11: January 3-4, 2021
Anthroposophy NYC Holy Nights 2020-2021Holy Night 11: January 3-4, 2021 "It is the eleventh night. It is the struggle with the Guardian of the Threshold. We must build within us the Mystery of the Grail Castle. We must profess loyalty to the Almighty in...
Holy Night 10: January 2-3, 2021
12 Holy Nights of Christmas continue! May they bestow blessings on you and yours!
Holy Night 9: January 1-2, 2021
12 Holy Nights of Christmas continue! May they bestow blessings on you and yours!
Holy Night 8: December 31, 2020 – January 1, 2021
12 Holy Nights of Christmas continue! May they bestow blessings on you and yours!
Holy Night 7: December 30-31, 2020
12 Holy Nights of Christmas continue! May they bestow blessings on you and yours!
Holy Night 6: December 29-30, 2020
12 Holy Nights of Christmas continue! May they bestow blessings on you and yours!
Holy Night 5: December 28-29, 2020
12 Holy Nights of Christmas continue! May they bestow blessings on you and yours!
Holy Night 4: December 27-28, 2020
12 Holy Nights of Christmas began! May they bestow blessings on you and yours!
Holy Night 3: December 26-27, 2020
12 Holy Nights of Christmas began! May they bestow blessings on you and yours!
Holy Night 2: December 25-26, 2020
Anthroposophy NYC Holy Nights 2020-2021Holy Night : December 25-26, 2020"Night of John. The Eagle of the soul climbs high with its wings and looking back from a great height, observes its own life. And now the man recognizes the Laws of Karma. The Mystery:...
Holy Night 1: December 24-25, 2020
12 Holy Nights of Christmas began! May they bestow blessings on you and yours!
As you’re listening to and reading these lectures, you may also find useful to look at the reference guide compiled by Paul. M. Allen, available on Rudolf Steiner Archive: “Reference Guide to Principal Themes in Christianity as Mystical Fact, Based on Other Works by Rudolf Steiner.”
If you are inspired to explore deeper, consider using the Holy Nights Journal 2020 – 2021 by Alan Thewless, available from the author in printed and PDF formats.
“As simultaneously mysticism and fact, Christianity is a breakthrough in the historical development of humanity for which the mysteries, with the results that they brought about, form a prior evolutionary stage.” ~ Rudolf Steiner
“Christianity is only in the beginning of its activity, and its real mission will be fulfilled when it is understood in its true spiritual form.” ~ Rudolf Steiner
“What Christianity bestows goes with us into all ages of time to come and will still be one of the essential impulses in humanity when religion, as we know it, is no longer in existence. Even when religion as such has been transcended, Christianity will remain. The fact that it was first of all a religion is connected with the evolutionary process of humanity. But Christianity as a world-view is greater than all religions.” ~ Rudolf Steiner