Anthroposophy NYC


Holy Nights 2020-2021

Holy Night 6: December 29-30, 2020

“Now follow the Three Nights of the Sword.

Peter’s night. Night of the consecration of the sword. Each of us has forged his or her own sword of discernment. Each of us must unite our spiritual will with the eternal, the immortal with the imperishable, and in this way, we shall recognize the truth.

The Mystery: Bring together the Son of God with the Son of Man. Unity.”

~ From indications given by Rudolf Steiner to Herbert Hahn

Sixth Contemplation:

“Of the three soul forces, the will is the most mysterious. In our lives, we deal with two kinds of will: one which is connected to nature and the forces of dissolution and destruction, the other which is connected to spirit and the constructive forces of the earth.

We find the earthly will in our digestive system and other bodily movements; we can’t be conscious of it nor interfere with it, it has a job to do. It is the spiritual will that we can wield like a sword. The sword is directed by our moral impulses, making us an integral part of the cause and effect that creates this world. We have accepted a great responsibility by taking control of our own will. We were given this responsibility when Christ entered into the earth to give us personal possession of our I Am.

So what is morality? It is greatly misrepresented and has little to do with what we do, but rather how we do it. Our activity can only be moral when our happiness is not acquired at the expense of others. So if we are happy to have a new gift, which was made in a factory where the workers are badly treated, or we are happy to buy the cheapest food produced by animals that are badly treated and so on, we are caught up in a web of immorality. Acts of morality arise when our deeds originate from our interest in other people. So morality arises out of love, the purest, highest love and respect for others.” ~ Herbert Hahn

Christianity as Mystical Fact and the Mysteries of Antiquity (GA 8) is a series of 12 lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in the fall and winter 1901-1902 in the library of Count and Countess Brockdorff. These lectures were rewritten and issued in a book format in the summer of 1902.

Chapter 7: “The Gospels”

Read by Dale Brunsvold (from 1961 edition by Rudolf Steiner Publications, Inc.)

Click here or on the image to listen to the recording.

While listening to the recording you can also read the two chapters, available at Rudolf Steiner Archive, by clicking here.


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