Richard Steel:Calendar of the Soul

Exhibit of Karl Kӧnig’s 52 Drawings with lectures and guided tour by Richard Steel

Jesús Amadeo: Fear

Jesús Amadeo, co-class holder at Anthroposphy NYC, will introduce and lead a conversation on the theme of fear

Who Was Rudolf Steiner?

Philosopher, Reformer, Spiritual Researcher, Pioneer: Aaron French, Nathaniel Williams, Mary Stewart Adams, and Ezra Sullivan  

Lisa Dalton: Striving toward Courage

A Stunt Gal’s Inner Path: Balancing Timidity and Foolhardiness, Striving toward Courage with Lisa Dalton


Robert McKay: Meditation

Anthroposophical meditation is a path that takes everyday experience as a starting point. Through it we can accelerate this natural developmental process. Rudolf Steiner identifies those aspects of everyday consciousness “hidden” in plain sight that have developmental potential when activated.

Robert McKay introduces us to key elements of this process described by Steiner.

Listening to Plants

Joanna Gabler, philosopher by education, artist and herbalist by vocation and biophiliac by nature, shares her own experiences of connecting with Nature and possible paths/exercises to develop that capacity. She also shares related lessons that she has received from the spirit plant/Deva of violets blossoming abundantly in her yarden (yard/garden).

Understanding the Slavic Soul

Understanding the Slavic Soul — A Primer for Westerners

The East-Slavic peoples carry a special quality, one characterized by Rudolf Steiner as “oneness of soul,” that is in actuality a seed for humanity’s development in the next epoch.

Serguei Krissiouk sheds light on the underlying currents at play here. He will draw on Rudolf Steiner’s insights presented in his lectures GA 158 “The balance in the world and man, Lucifer and Ahriman” and GA 113 “The East in the light of the West.”

Ahriman on Stage

Eurythmist Brigida Baldszun speaks about how we can learn to recognize Ahriman, and shares her experience representing Ahriman on stage.

Conflict in Ukraine, Historical and Spiritual Roots

Serguei Krisssiouk, Ukranian physician and Anthroposophist,  begins a heartfelt and balanced discussion of the events and impulses that have led to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Conversations on the Easter Verse

Eugene Schwartz, Mary Stewart Adams, Fred Dennehy and Richard Steel share their meditations and pondering on Verse #1 from Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul, followed by conversation and questions.

Michaelmas Celebration


A conversation and pondering on the Michaelmas Mood verse (verse #26) from Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul with Mary Stewart Adams, Fred Dennehy, Herbert Hagens and Eugene Schwartz.

Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass and the Destiny of America

Karl Fredrickson’s re-recording of of the presentation he gave at ASNYC on March  3, 2022.  He explores a spiritually signifiant moment in history through a deep look at the converging biographies of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.

The Rudolf Steiner Bookstore is looking for Volunteers!

A volunteer shift at the Rudolf Steiner Bookstore is a great way to become more acquainted with Anthroposophical works and meet others with an interest in Steiner’s unique path of wisdom. 

As Anthroposophy NYC’s public point of access, the bookstore is a truly special and potent place.  As a small bookstore in the 21st century, it requires our volunteered time to stay operational.  Anyone interested in learning more about becoming a volunteer-in-training, follow the link below:


Anthroposophy NYC is the New York City Branch of the Anthroposophical Society in America. We are dedicated to unite spiritual truths with life’s realities to nurture a shared community, inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner.

Our Rudolf Steiner Bookstore is open Wednesday-Friday 2-6 pm, Sat-Sun 1-5 pm (closed Mondays).

There may be some additional hours as per availability of volunteers. Please call bookstore @212-242-8945


ASNYC study groups will mostly continue online unless announced otherwise.

Monthly Eurythmy workshops are on Monday evenings with Linda Larson (see “Upcoming Events” below).

St Michael, watercolor by David Newbatt

Please consider making a financial contribution in support of the Branch. Every year we count on your support, now more than ever because we did not escape the ravages of the pandemic. 

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