138 W 15th St
New York
NY 10011
If you’d like to bring a friend and introduce them to eurythmy, no previous experience is necessary. Please bring soft-soled shoes.
Location: Anthroposophy NYC, 138 West 15th Street, New York, NY 10011
Workshop fee: Suggested donation, $20
Workshop Facilitator, LINDA LARSON, Eurythmist, has taught in Waldorf Schools, Camphill Communities, Branch Groups, Adult Education Courses, Eurythmy in the Workplace, in Europe, UK and USA, and practices therapeutic eurythmy; she earned her eurythmy diplomas from van der Pals Eurythmy Academy at the Goetheanum, Switzerland, and London School of Therapeutic Eurythmy. She holds an M.F.A. from Cranbrook Academy of Art and a B.S. from University. of Delaware.
Linda’s website: larsoneurythmy.com
Brilliance of the Sun over the Hudson, photo by Linda Larson