Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul Verse 6

Introduced by Michael Vode

Es ist erstanden aus der Eigenheit

Mein Selbst und findet sich

Als Weltenoffenbarung

In Zeit-und-Raumeskraeften,

Die Welt, sie zeigt mir ueberall

Als goettlich Urbild

Des eignen Abbilds Wahrheit.


There has arisen from my egohood

My Self, and finds itself

As cosmic revelation

In the pulse of time and space;

The World shows everywhere to me

As godly archetype

The truth of my own image.

(trans. Daisy Aldan)

watercolor by William Blake

The seven lines of Verse Six emerge and merge in a twofold, complementary structure– four lines followed by three.  The foregrounding lines present an experiential assertion of realized, graced human potential in the surging of time and space: an upraised Self as World-manifestation. 

This objective, third-person realization leads—through the culminating, ultimate, threefold lines— into an inspirited, first-person soul recognition: “everywhere” “the World. . . as godly archetype” reveals “the truth of my own image.”  

Verse 5 seems a prelude or prefiguration of Verse 6, and Verse 7 will dwell on a timely warning that seems the essential next step of the Soul Calendar’s path for a grounded, gradual, graduated soul-awakening to orienting spirit, prepared for through day-by-day, year to year, meditative activity.