Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul Verse 46
Introduced by Ellen Gayda
Die Welt, sie drohet zu betäuben
Der Steele eingeborene Kraft;
Nun trete du, Erinnerung,
Aus Geistestiefen leuchtend auf
Und stärke mir das Schauen,
Das nur durch Willenskräfte
Sich selbst erhalten kann.
The World, it threatens to benumb
The inborn force within my soul:
Now memory, come to the fore,
Illuminating from Spirit deeps,
And strengthen my perception,
Which but through force of will
Is able to endure.
(transl. Daisy Aldan)
Poetic Reflection on Verse 46
by Ellen Gayda
On a cold winter walk when you feel apart from the world you are a part
Follow the path, the river path that bends beyond your sight.
Leading with resolute steps you turn toward inwardness that calls
Memory awake! from the residence you have seeded so very long ago.
Bring forth your Light-filled Beingness from revelatory depths
Strengthen with clarity a felt sense cognition
So my soul beholds my Spirit belonging.
Luke 22:19
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”