Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul, Verse 12

Introduced by Don Bartlett

Der Welten Schӧnheitsglanz, 

Er zwinget mich aus Seelentiefen

Des Eigenlebens Gӧtterkrӓfte 

Zum Weltenfluge zu entbinden,

 Mich selber zu verlassen, 

Vertrauend nur mich suchend 

In Weltenlicht und Weltenwӓrme 


The splendor of Nature’s beauty

 Lures me out of my soul depths

To liberate for cosmic flight

 The divine forces

Of my own existence.—

To abandon myself,

Yet trusting

And seeking myself alone

 In cosmic light,

And cosmic warmth.

(trans. Tom Mellett)

We continue with the theme of entering the summer season, when spirits approach mankind. The earth is exhaling in the form of blossoms, leaves etc.  We are given the opportunity to observe and experience the beauty. Ideally, we can experience the cosmic process via thoughts and feelings (via the higher universal ‘I’). One of the essential traits for attaining this experience is that of ‘gratitude’. The spiritual experience is often described as having divine light and warmth.