October 19, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
138 W 15th St
New York
NY 10011

Saturday October 19 at 2:00-3:30pm (EDT) Lecture is available on widescreen at Anthroposophy NYC and on Zoom
Kaspar Hauser and the Calendar of the Soul
Lecture by Richard Steel

Exhibit of Karl Kӧnig’s 52 Drawings
Hosted at Anthroposophy NYC
(138 W15th St between Sixth and Seventh Avenues)

Suggested $15 donation:


As the calendar year turns toward the depths and heights of Michaelmas, we will open our Anthroposophy NYC auditorium walls to Karl Kӧnig’s 52 colorful weekly drawings—created to accompany the momentous (and enigmatic) weekly verses created by Rudolf Steiner for this Calendar of the Soul. We also will host Richard Steel’s live and Zoomed talks on the Calendar verses with narrated tours of Kӧnig’s drawings.


It is no casual detail that Steiner completed a new cover for this Calendar on his deathbed in March of 1925, just days before his passing. It may be a sign that in his final days he had an intimation that a great dawning for uptake of the Calendar of the Soul would someday arrive. Here, a hundred years hence, the great world cultural center that is New York City is as apt a place as any to celebrate this creation. Michaelmas is especially timely because it is that marker in the year where nature and humanity may part ways—the one returning to senescence and death in the earth and the other turning toward inner harvest, enrichment and ultimately new birth and new works.

The Calendar of the Soul, to be sure, is all about this. There is way too much to tell in one short note, though, even merely as an introduction. So please bear with us in coming weeks as we unfold more about this upcoming monthlong offering. We include below a few comments about the Calendar from participants in our Tuesday night meditation group. More than two years ago, as part our practice of taking up various themes for meditation, we tried out a current Calendar verse. The experience was interesting and stimulating, so we did a second—then a third, and the momentum has continued to build since. Stay tuned for further announcements with registration details!

I feel as though I have been on a spiritual journey. I now observe the seasons and nature in a deeper, truer way. Due to the all-encompassing nature of the COS, I have experienced enhanced feelings of gratefulness, courage, increase in motivation and happiness. In addition, I now experience a higher (moral) level of thinking.
Don Bartlett


each year more realized in
      ascents. So the earth
may through nascent human I’s
    become a heart-radiating
Michael Vode