Conversations for Holy Week 2024 

Resurrection from individual human life to the life of the universe — this is the call that echoes in our hearts from the spiritual bells of Easter. And when we hear these bells, all doubt of the reality of the spiritual world will vanish from us and the certainty will dawn that no material death can harm us at all. For we are caught up again into life in the Spirit when we understand the message of the spiritual bells of Easter. – R. Steiner
10 April 1909, Cologne


                 John Frederick Kensett “Sunrise over Connecticut”


Monday March 25 7:00pm (Zoom only)
Walter Alexander: The Conversation

Of all conversations, the one depicted by Rudolf Steiner in The Fifth Gospel between Jesus and his stepmother before he departs for the Jordan has no parallel in human history. We will discuss that most profound moment as a theme for our own conversation tonight.

Walter is a long-time member of the ASNYC Council.



Tuesday March 26 at 7:00pm (Zoom only)
Dan Rabin: Three Bloody Tales Preceding Golgotha

Dan will briefly discuss three approaches (selections from the Bhagavad Gita, descriptions of human lineages from the Old Testament and of Folk Souls from Rudolf Steiner) to the problem of fragmented humanity as a framework for a group conversation on current issues.

Dan is member of the ASNYC Council.



Wednesday March 27 at 7:00pm (live at ASNYC and on Zoom)
Penny Carter and Sylvia Mandel: “Blood is a very special fluid”

Penny and Sylvia will read a selection from the first half of Lecture 2 from the book “Supersensible Knowledge” (GA 55).  They will then open a conversation about this most intriguing lecture.

Penny curates ASNYC art exhibits; Sylvia helps guide Rudolf Steiner Bookstore, and both are ASNYC Council members.



Thursday March 28 7:00pm (Zoom only)
Joanna Bergmann: Holy Wednesday Contemplations Bridging Over to Maundy Thursday

I have been living all year with thoughts about this day, deepening my study.

On Wednesday of Holy Week, Emil Bock takes us through the events of the day. He writes about Wednesday as ‘…the turning point, and how the consummation of Christ’s life moves into a deeper stillness.’  He contrasts Mary Magdalene (anointing), who is at this Wednesday supper in Bethany, with Judas Iscariot (betraying) on Thursday. I will share with you some of Bock’s elucidations, and introduce a bridge between the two ‘Suppers’ leading to our conversation afterwards.

Joanna is a longtime member ASNYC.



Friday March 29 7:00pm (live at ASNYC and on Zoom)
Gisela Wielki: The Cross

Joseph Beuys, one of the most influential artists in the 20th century was asked: ‘Where do we find the Christ today?’ And he replied: ‘In movement.’

Daisy Alden, a poet once in our midst at the NYC Branch, captures in two lines the human being in movement: ‘Vertical, I walk a horizontal path.’

In Good Friday’s presentation and conversation, we want to explore the movements, elements and gesture of the cross naturally, emotionally and spiritually in our own lives.

Gisela Wielki has worked as a priest in The Christian Community for the most part in New York City for over fifty years.